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Summer School "Ecology and Society: Frontiers and Boundaries" / 3 - 7 June 2019

Ecosystems societies Climate change Forests Hydrosystems Atmosphere Biodiversity Agrosystems Pressures Impacts Modelling Pollution Ecotoxicology Biogeochimical cycles Ecology Adaptability
Visiting Bordeaux
Visiting Bordeaux
Forests week
Forests week
Round table on global change
Round table on global change
Ciron Valley - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Ciron Valley - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Biogeochemical cycles of disrupted ecosystems
Biogeochemical cycles of disrupted ecosystems
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Welcome !
Welcome !
Classroom - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Classroom - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Visiting Bordeaux
Visiting Bordeaux
Fieldtrip Vineyard - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Fieldtrip Vineyard - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Forest trip
Forest trip
Boat trip
Boat trip
Field Trip
Field Trip


Last update Wednesday 30 July 2014

Luc Doyen, Doctor in applied mathematics, has received an education in control theory, optimization and mathematical economics. He currently holds a permanent position of Director of Research at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), where he is especially involved in bio-economic modeling, viable management of biodiversity and mathematics of sustainability. He is now affiliated to the Gretha (Research Group Theoretical and Applied Economics) at the University of Bordeaux after spending 10 years in a laboratory dedicated to ecology and conservation biology at the Museum of Natural History in Paris.  A book « Sustainable management of natural resources models and methods » recently published by Springer and 50 publications in international peer-reviewed journals emphasize the mix between the applied and theoretical dimensions of his research activity and its inter-disciplinary nature balancing ecology, environmental economics, and modeling.  The applied component of his research relies on contracts and grants  pointing out the transfer of the theoretical results toward national or international institutions such as INRA, IFREMER, CGIAR, CSIRO regarding the  management of  agriculture, fisheries and biodiversity. He is reviewer of numerous international journals and has participated to various national and international committees  for the evaluation of research. Luc Doyen  also organized in 2013  a quarterly thematic program at IHP (Institut Henri Poincaré) entitled "mathematics of bio-economics" in the framework of the international event MPE 2013 (Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013). Its numerous teachings (Masters, Engineering schools) and supervisions (Post-doc, Ph-D, master, ...) also highlight the interdisciplinary feature of his activities at the interface between mathematics, computer sciences, economics and ecology.