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Summer School "Ecology and Society: Frontiers and Boundaries" / 3 - 7 June 2019

Ecosystems societies Climate change Forests Hydrosystems Atmosphere Biodiversity Agrosystems Pressures Impacts Modelling Pollution Ecotoxicology Biogeochimical cycles Ecology Adaptability
Biogeochemical cycles of disrupted ecosystems
Biogeochemical cycles of disrupted ecosystems
Conference room
Conference room
Group 2018 - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Group 2018 - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Students 2014
Students 2014
Conference room
Conference room
Round table Global ecology
Round table Global ecology
Crédit LabEx COTE
Report by students
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Field trip - Salles
Visiting Bordeaux
Visiting Bordeaux
Boat trip
Boat trip
Thematic weeks organisation committee
Thematic weeks organisation committee
Forest trip
Forest trip
Fieldtrip Vineyard - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Fieldtrip Vineyard - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Group - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Group - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Dune du Pyla
Dune du Pyla

Nathalie CORADE

Last update Monday 18 June 2018

Associate Professor, Bordeaux Sciences Agro

Nathalie Corade is associate professeur of economics at Bordeaux Sciences Agro, the institute of agricultural sciences of Bordeaux, since 1995. She is responsible for the master's degree "agriculture, proximity ans territories of here and elsewhere". Her research focuses on short and local food circuits, local food systems, food projects of territories. In particular she is interested in the link between these intiatives and the sustainable development of the territories with a special focus on the place of local public policies in the development of these intiatives. Does the dévelopement of these intiatives generate territorial development, why? and under what conditions? are the central questions of its works. Its approaches are those of the economy of proximity and of the social and solidarity economy with an attention on the question of the social innovations that are brought by these kind of initiatives.