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Summer School "Ecology and Society: Frontiers and Boundaries" / 3 - 7 June 2019

Ecosystems societies Climate change Forests Hydrosystems Atmosphere Biodiversity Agrosystems Pressures Impacts Modelling Pollution Ecotoxicology Biogeochimical cycles Ecology Adaptability
Ecosystems services
Ecosystems services
Field Trip
Field Trip
Dune du Pyla
Dune du Pyla
Vallée du Ciron - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Vallée du Ciron - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Classroom - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Classroom - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
City trip - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
City trip - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Field Trip
Field Trip
Field Trip
Field Trip
Class room - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Class room - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Forest trip
Forest trip
Group Picture - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Group Picture - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Boat trip
Boat trip
Conference room
Conference room
Forests week
Forests week
Field Trip
Field Trip
Wine tasting - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Wine tasting - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Ciron Valley - Crédits photo LabEx COTE
Ciron Valley - Crédits photo LabEx COTE


Last update Tuesday 28 April 2015

Phd in Evolutionary Ecology, Professor at the National Muséum of Paris. Research field is Conservation Science. At present, works on public polices on biodiversity, their interactions with social mechanisms, especially how scientific information is used to legitimate public policies, from empiric information brought by citizen science, to indicators and scenarios, concepts like biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Relevant publications

Julliard, R., Clavel, J., Devictor, V., Jiguet, F. and Couvet, D. 2006. Spatial segregation of specialists and generalists in bird communities. Ecology Letters 9, 1237-1244

Devictor V., Julliard R., Clavel J., Jiguet F., Lee A. & Couvet D. 2008. Functional biotic homogenization of bird communities in disturbed landscapes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 17, 252-261

Couvet, D, Jiguet, F., Julliard, R., Levrel, H. and A. Teyssèdre. 2008. Enhancing citizen contributions to biodiversity science and public policy. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 33, 95-103

Devictor V., Julliard R., Couvet D., and Jiguet F. 2008b. Birds are tracking climate warming, but not fast enough. Proc Roy. Soc. B 275, 2743-2748

Gregory RD, Willis SG, Jiguet F, Vo?íšek P, Klva?ová A, van Strien, A., Huntley, B., Collingham, Y.C., Couvet, D. and Green, R.E. 2009. An Indicator of the Impact of Climatic Change on European Bird Populations. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4678

Levrel, H., Fontaine, B., Henry P.Y., Jiguet, F., Julliard R., Kerbiriou C., Couvet D. 2010. Balancing state and volunteer investment in biodiversity monitoring for the implementation of CBD indicators: A French example. Ecological Economics 69,  1580-1586

Couvet, D, Devictor, V. Jiguet, F., and Julliard, R. 2011. Scientific contributions of extensive biodiversity monitoring. C. R. Biologies 334, 370–377

Couvet, D. and Prévot, A.C. 2015. Citizen-science programs: Towards transformative biodiversity governance. Environmental Development 13, 39–45

Schmeller, D. et al. 2015. Towards a global terrestrial species monitoring program. Journal for Nature Conservation 25, 51–57